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"True for You, But Not for Me - Equipping Elementary and Middle-School Students to Discern and Follow Truth in Both the Classroom and the Culture" Association of Christian Schools International PD Forum (Philadelphia) - 11/2018
"True for You, But Not for Me - Equipping Elementary and Middle-School Students to Discern and Follow Truth in Both the Classroom and the Culture" Association of Christian Schools International PD Forum (Winston-Salem) - 10/2018
"True for You, But Not for Me " Women in Apologetics Conference - 1/2018
"Teaching Scripture as a Metanarrative" Association of Christian Schools International PD Forum (Phoenix) - 11/2017
"Using Comparative Worldview Analysis to Foster Critical Thinking" Association of Christian Schools International PD Forum (Phoenix) - 11/2017
"Discipline that Targets the Heart" Association of Christian Schools International PD Forum (Atlanta) - 10/2017
"Using Comparative Worldview Analysis to Foster Critical Thinking" Association of Christian Schools International PD Forum (Atlanta) - 10/2017
Our children are growing up in a world that doesn’t understand what it means to be human. Our culture screams that gender doesn’t matter, humans are merely evolved animals, and we can be whomever we want to be. How can we prepare our children to live out a biblical understanding of what it means to be human? In this session, participants will engage in a variety of practical activities they can use to begin instructing their children in a biblical view man.
A host of competing worldviews call out to our children daily. While protecting them from certain cultural influences is beneficial, we need to prepare our children to have a vibrant faith in a very secular culture. How can we equip our children to navigate the thousands of false messages that clamor for their attention? In this session, participants will engage in a variety of educational strategies they can use to prepare their children to encounter false ideologies and live vibrant lives of faith in Jesus Christ.
Scripture teaches that Jesus is the truth for all people, in all cultures, and at all times. Yet, our culture continually bombards our children with its philosophy that truth changes from person-to-person. How can we make a compelling argument for the existence of absolute truth and train our children to discern truth from falsehood? In this session, participants will explore answers to these questions and engage in strategies for implementing truth-education in their homes.
Research has shown that our children are leaving the faith. For far too long we have been talking at our children, rather than equipping them to critically think through the Christian worldview. How can we develop in our children the critical thinking skills they will need to be lifelong disciples of Jesus in a secular culture? In this session, participants will explore a variety of hands-on educational strategies they can implement in their homes to begin developing critical thinking skills in their children.
Foundation Comparative Worldview Curriculum trains elementary students to think biblically, exposes them to the basic beliefs of competing worldviews, and equips them with a framework through which they can filter every message, idea, and philosophy they encounter.
Foundation Worldview, LLC 2018